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Metal Framing

ABB saves time and labor with its comprehensive lines of metal framing and cable tray, including the industry’s only 100% plated products, our 1 1/2" modular system, and hundreds of accessories to complete any job.

Main products & benefits

Modular framing: With our Kindorf® 1 1/2" modular channel system, all parts fit all the time, providing the maximum number of supports and framing applications with the minimum amount of labor and materials.

Multiple plating options: The choice is Superstrut® for a complete 1 5/8" metal framing system with consistent finishes for the channel, fittings and accessories.

With the Kindorf® Channel System, all parts fit together all the time, minimizing labor and materials and maximizing flexibility in field applications.
ABB Superstrut® offers the installer a complete 1-5/8" metal framing system that yields a consistent finish for the channel, fittings, and accessories every time. Superstrut…
Steel City® offers a full complement of hangers, fittings, hardware, threaded rod and accessories to complete any metal framing project.