Medium Voltage Fused Cutouts Medium Voltage Fused Cutouts ICX Non-load-break CutoutUsed on overhead distribution systems to provide overcurrent protection up to 38 kV LBU-II Load-break CutoutPerforms as an outdoor loadbreak switch, as well as a fused cutout for distribution systems, rated voltage 7.8 - 34.5 kV NCX Non-load-break Cutout Provides reliable overcurrent protection for equipment that may be damaged by system overload or fault conditions EU & EUH Enclosed Fuse CutoutsEnclosed in a polymer concrete housing for the 2.6 to 7.8 kV range where space is tight Publications Application and TechnicalBrochuresPresentations Other Grid Hardware Medium Voltage Reclosers Medium Voltage Fused Cutouts Capacitor Fuses Medium Voltage Sectionalizers