Safety Mats
Continuously detect workers inside hazardous areas of a machine when optical/hard-guarding can’t be used. The active area of the safety mat will detect pressure on the surface, and when wired to the appropriate safety controller (e.g. USR10), sends a signal to stop the machine. This is used for person detection and perimeter guarding.
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Features and benefits
- Euro Dot slip-free surface comes standard.
- Integrated and Blunt Trim offerings.
- Rugged design gives safety mats excellent resistance to oil, water, and grease.
- 32 different standard sizes and styles.
- Available with integrated rubber ramp rail or external aluminum trim.
- Designed so built-in ramp rail can be cut off in case of a “butt cut” design (placing two mats side-by-side).
- Custom mats are available upon demand. Contact for pricing.
- 4 Conductor 10m cable with flying leads come out long side center.
- Safety Mats must be affixed to the floor.
* IMPORTANT - The US Safety Mats differ from the Safety Mats listed in the European catalogs.